Potential Topics for Open Minds Community

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Topic 100

Is 'woke' teaching in the schools replacing the primary curriculum?  Is this good or necessary?  What are the pros and cons?

Topic 104

Problems surrounding food today: big corporate agriculture, depletion of soils and nutrients, genetic modification, and so much processing.  How does it affect our health?  Have you read the labels for the ingredients in today's baby formulas?  It's a chemical cocktail.  And we wonder why babies and young children have illnesses and conditions unheard of in past decades. ?

Topic 105

Why don't some people communicate as clearly and effectively since the advent of cell phones, text messaging, and the internet?  How and why does the intent of what we want to say get misunderstood? Why does spoken communication seem more effective? 

Topic 106

The irony:  people who came to what was to become America to escape religious persecution.  And then: the Puritan witch hunts/burning/hysteria; American persecution of native Americans, hate campaigns toward minority groups, missionaries ruining native cultures in other countries because they were 'heathens' and had to become Christian.  The same thing was done in the Indian schools in this country in the 1800s.  Democracy is a tricky word.  Depending upon who has the power at any given time....it's still happening. 

Topic 108

The Non-Aggression Principle is a synthesis of two ethical statements: (1) It is illegitimate for a human being to use aggressive violence against the person and property of another human being, and (2) it is legitimate for a human being to use defensive violence to protect a person and property.   Do you agree?  If so, shouldn't governments be held to this principle?


Topic 115

Friends We Have Lost - Jo
